
Best Football - Best Gameday! Our Home Opener in the Generali Arena

Kiki Klepsch
Kiki Klepsch

The reigning champion from Vienna will play their first home game of the 2023 European League of Football season in the Generali Arena. On June 17 at 6:00 PM, Head Coach Chris Calacay's team will welcome the Prague Lions, the league's newcomer from the Golden City. The Purple Party will kick off in front of the stadium at 2:00 PM with numerous attractions and plenty of action.

"The impressive Generali Arena provides us with the perfect setting to celebrate our Home Opener as a grand football festival with the entire community. We are confident that thousands of fans and sports enthusiasts are looking forward to seeing the European champions live in Vienna again. After the resounding victory against the Hamburg Sea Devils in last year's ELF final, the Vienna Vikings will play on Austrian soil once again, and the goal is to defend the title. In our inaugural season in 2022, we were undefeated in the Generali Arena, and we aim to secure the victory at the Home Opener in 2023," said franchise co-owner Robin Lumsden.

"Let's make one thing clear: Wherever we play, that's where the Champions play! I know the team is excited to play the Home Opener in the Generali Arena, where we have defeated Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Wroclaw, Innsbruck, Istanbul, and Barcelona. We are determined to add Prague to that list and remain unbeaten in the beautiful home of FK Austria Wien," added Head Coach Chris Calaycay with enthusiasm.

Action-packed attractions and captivating pre-game entertainment

The Purple Pre-Game Party at the Home Opener, starting at 2:00 PM in front of the stadium, will set new standards. The entire Saturday afternoon will be filled with top-class entertainment, offering extraordinary attractions for the whole family. "The Vienna Vikings Game Days 2023 will be characterized by exceptional sporting performances combined with captivating event atmosphere. All the exciting details for the Pre-Game Party at the Home Opener are set. Visitors can look forward to numerous interactive stations and a diverse stage program, hosted by Walter Reiterer. At this point, we would like to express our special thanks to the Austrian Armed Forces, which will provide thrilling and engaging entertainment with their Action and Kids Corner. The 'Mission Vorwärts' of the Austrian Armed Forces meets the 'Mission Titelverteidigung' of the Vikings," said Lukas Leitner, Co-Managing Director and Gameday Manager.

Purple Pre-Game Party Highlights starting at 2:00 PM

Action-Area powered by Austrian Armed Forces
Diving Towers | Obstacle Course

Kids Corner powered by Austrian Armed Forces
Bouncy Castle | Games | Face Painting

Fan Corner powered by Vikings Fan Groups

Show Stage with entertainment program hosted by Walter Reiterer
DJ | Interviews | Performances including the Vienna Vikings Spirit Squad

Food Trucks
Hildegard Wurst | Foodtruck 4 All | Roll Crêpes

Vienna Vikings Merchandise Stand

Fan Giveaway
Special Goodies for Early Birds